that was good
That was really good, you're really talented! Actually, you should even make cd's... And I don't even like jazz all that much!
that was good
That was really good, you're really talented! Actually, you should even make cd's... And I don't even like jazz all that much!
If this is your band, you guys should make and sell cd's. You're very talented!
Hope to hear more stuff from you in the future, keepit uppety!
Thanks. I do plan on making CDs.
Yeah, that was relaxing... and great! Nice job, amd keep up the niceness of nice things which are nice by you... if that made sense... you can check out some of my stuff if you'd like. bhaiye :D
Yeah, too small.
It's not really a song... just a bunch of random noises. It's way too small to be a song...
Thats why they call it a loop...\\But i agree it is really short
I have no clue what to rate this! And if it wasn't heavy metal, but it WAS techno, put it under techno next time, would be my suggestion. It seems to confuze people. :D
But I'd stil say you have... talent...?
Sorry, but I'm not a lowlife bill-billy. Therefore I do not like this type of music. I'm not saying that this is bad, but... no, just no.
THis song has made me deaf of pie.
if you dont like banjo then why did u listen to it? and u spelled hill-billy wrong...
I'm not one for video game music, but I can definately tell you're talented. Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not good... and you should make more, because people really seem to like it! :D
hmm..., just no...
A fly just flew into my fan... it died. That wa the effect that your song had on me. (but really, the fly just did that, lol!!)
In the PF crew so far... onryu24, toasterovenfreak, foxowl. Plus one more once he gets an account. This is teh PF domain account, right now it's just for our music.
Joined on 4/17/05